BIG ideas
to live|
Original ideas can be transformed into sustainable and successful businesses by combining a meticulously crafted product and market strategy with seamlessly orchestrated business operations in a legally sound setting. BIG’s in-house teams and global network of business professionals, technology specialists and market specialists provide comprehensive support throughout the entire journey from the initial Eureka moment to full maturity.
Strategy & product developtment
Johan is a networker and dealmaker with more than 30 years of experience in transforming ideas into products and services and thereafter market them cross multiple industries. Johan is a skilled networker and dealmaker. His accomplishments have been made possible through his extensive global network of professionals who provide unwavering support.
MBA saurabh RastoGi|
Chief Product Officer|
Saurabh's analytical approach is grounded in an ability to focus on the core merits of a product or proposition. With a sharp focus on risk, product, market analysis, and go-to-market strategies, he has spent the last 20 years working with major companies such as AON and Oracle. Saurabh can provide invaluable support to companies looking to achieve sustainable growth. He has a MBA from INSEAD, France
Dr. Marc Beckers|
Technology director|
Marc made the switch from a career in science to applied technology in 1992 and never looked back. With a unique blend of deep expertise in technology and technology markets, as well as a scientific approach, Marc can drive improvements in both product and business ideas, bridging the gap between technology and market demands. Marc has a PHD in Computer science from the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium
Jeff Hewlett|
Marketing Channel Expert|
Marketing and channel sales expert with 35 years industry experience. Jeff knows how to knock out an effective marketing campaign, drive a successful product launch or get the best result out of an exhibition.
As a channel sales expert he knows how to build partnerships to build win-win sales models in which all partners share rewards of successful campaigns.
Alejandro Donaire|
Video productions director|
During his education in Information Technology Alejandro realized early that his real passion lies in Video productions. He made a hard left turn and never looked back. Trained in the high pressure and deadline driven world of TV-commercials Alejandro made side steps to Documentary and Music video productions. He mastered the trade of translating customer needs to sound and practical video production visions.
Jorge Millán S|
creative director|
After an education in business management Jorge followed his heart and pursued a career in design rather than in business management. With stagger designs and video productions to his name he did not unlearn his business training. The creative allrounder forms the perfect bridge between business-driven objectives and creative solutions.
Leo Lopez Remuñan|
head of creative team|
Internationally orientated, cross media, creative director heading creative teams that created cohesive and impactful campaigns spanning multiple channels. Leo takes the collaborate, creative process on a journey that takes an idea through its conceptualization, strategy, to fully elaborated branding, brand value, and cross media messaging execution.
BNZSA investment group s.l.